Kate Buckles Photography | Photographer Spotlight
Here is another fun photographer spotlight! Today we highlight Kate Buckles, owner of Kate Buckles Photography.
Kate lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and has been doing photography for over 7 years. Her business focuses on anything family related, but mostly Families and Newborns! “Bring me ALLL the sweet little newborns!”

Kate’s Newborn Photography Journey
“I started in high school, and have always loved photography! I studied business in college and grad school and worked in the business world for many years and after not being in control of my own schedule and life, decided it was time to start this company! My husband and kids are first priority in my life and being able to schedule when I want, and put them first is the most amazing thing. I am a momma to 3 kids who we homeschool part time, we LOVE to travel a lot and spend time at the cabin with family! I am so thankful to have my husband working with me full time as well, he was able to quit his 9-5 over a year ago to be home with us! Family is everything to us! I ADORE what I do on a daily basis and am so thankful to be able to live a life that supports a passion as well as pay the mortgage! It is an honor to be in this industry trusted by families to capture these amazing seasons of life!”
What is the number one thing you did to grow your business in the beginning?
“I did SOOOO many networking events, and focused on making as many connections with people as I could! Minis were a HUGE way to grow as well. Families could check me out, without feeling like they were risking a huge amount of money. Starting a mailing list early has been so important. Social media is a great tool, but at the end of the day, if the algorithms are not on your side, you can't count on it to really grow your business. A mailing list has given me control and a direct line to my amazing clients!”
What is the number one thing you do currently to market your business?
“Right now I have a large mailing list, 6k or so subscribers. It has taken me YEARS to get to those numbers, but booking sessions are mostly from sending out an email once a month or so. Other than that, I am on google as #1 as well as so much word of mouth marketing, it's the best!”
What advice would you give to someone just starting out in newborn photography?
“Practice practice practice! Follow photographers who you want to emulate. Take all the classes you can, not just on the photography side, but posing, wrapping and most importantly, safety! Even as a photographer who is full time now (I do 800+ sessions a year!) I ALWAYS have things to learn, and it is so important to have a learner's heart and always strive to be better and improve!”
We adore the opportunity to hear from Kate and have her as one of our amazing newborn photographers! Check her out to see her unique way of wrapping newborns that you will love!
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